Rabu, 18 Mei 2011


In this thread we shall go over all of the properties of water, even the newest ones heating up the science world, "Water Has a Memory."

To start off I would like to set the record straight water is not an ash, it is the foundation of life as we know it, for without it no life exist. So the analogy of water being compared to ash is pure nonsense for without ash life goes on, with ash life goes on as it is not needed in the equation of life. Plus an ash is a non renewable product something you can not get back once burned, water is a renewable product that no life on this planet can do without.

Now water's polar nature means that when water is suspended it really acts as a capacitor, able to hold a charge, and will deposite that charge on anything it hits. Rain is a perfect example of this. Due to it also being a dielectric liquid it can take on an image charge of a two charged plates. In the rain cloud the image charge comes from the clouds themselves as every cloud forms three capacitors. One from the earth to the bottom of the cloud, another from the bottom of the cloud to the top of the cloud, and yet another from the top of the cloud to the ionisphere. In a thundar storm the charges of these capacitors are so great as to reach the breakdown voltage in air some 30k per cm. What is not comomly known is in the center of a cloud that is capable of producing thunder, hydrogen and oxygen are being formed by the break down of water in to it's componet elements due to excessive image charge voltage that is able to over come the cohesive properties of water. Once the cohesive properties of water are overcome by voltage pressure the water droplet splits into two smaller droplets and the voltage is divided between them. This process of divid and split will keep going until the crittical volume of water is reached and the water droplets then breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen falls to earth and as it does some of it recombines with O2 to form O3 ozone. If anyone has been in a lightining storm you will recall the smell of ozone production of the storm. Not until recently has it been decovered that hydrogen was also being produced, as the lightining strikes from the top of the cloud to the ionisphere shows a pink tint and that spectrom of light is the same as hydrogens ion spectrum of light. Remember hydrogen is lighter than air so it floats upwards at a rate of around 20 m/s.

With the help of NASA photos and image videos we can see the explosions taking place inside of the thundar cloud when lightining strikes take place within the cloud. This produces the loud earth shaking thundar we hear and feel when these strikes occur, unlike a strike from the bottom of the cloud to the earth which is sharp and crackly. Only now is science begining to understand the complexe dynamics of a thundar storm. Even the self-ionization of water plays a role in the complexe nature of a thundar storm. I think the corrent term used is an electro dynamic dynomo when talking about the workings of lightining storm. Lord Kelvin's water droper expirement is an small window into these complexe reactions that take place in a thunder storm. In these expirements the moving medium is just plan water, and the system can build up voltages in excess of 20k volts with no external voltages being applied. The only thing in these experiments is air, the full properties of water, and gravity, the only missing part is the suns light interactions.

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