Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011


SURABAYA caterpillar-phenomenon that is currently happening in Probolinggo, in fact he had experienced in 1936 and then. The impact is almost the same which cause losses in mango plantation owners in the area.
"After our investigation, turned out in 1936 and also in cases that are similar, ie, attack caterpillars. This time it happened again and more attacking mango plantations in Probolinggo," said Deputy Governor of East Java, Saifullah Yusuf in his office, Wednesday (04/13/2011).
According to Gus Ipul, greeting Saifullah Yusuf, the results of research conducted while the Department of Agriculture (standardized), East Java, caterpillars were from the parent of butterflies that migrate from other regions.
They chose Probolinggo because the condition is quite humid, making it easier for the butterflies lay their eggs and metamorphosis. Caterpillars are also attacked several other areas, such as Jombang, Malang, Pasuruan, and Banyuwangi.
But according to Gus Ipul still within the normal capacity, not as it happened in Probolinggo. As happened in Pasuruan, caterpillars only affects about 5 trees only. So that happened in Banyuwangi, attacked about 30 trees mindi.
"Because these caterpillars do not attack trees that are productive, so not too much trouble. But we're still looking forward to menyemprotan," he said.
Until now, he added, Department of Agriculture in East Java continue supplying pesticides in some areas affected caterpillars. "We're really quite pesticides, so the area do not worry. But the dosage should be adjusted, so that caterpillars can be destroyed but not to affect the quality of fruit from trees sprayed," he said.

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