Minggu, 22 Mei 2011


 In 1994, the group stayed around 14 ludruk group only. They play in rural villages that do not have electricity at the rate to Rp 350. This group is supported by 50. 60 people players. Their income is very minimal, namely: to Rp 1500 to 2500 per night. When the show deserted, was forced to take the cash money to be able to eat in the village.
When James L Peacok (1963-1964) held in Surabaya ludruk study, there were 594 group. According to the provincial Department of Education orphans, after the year 1980 increased to 789 group (84/85), 771 group (85/86), 621 group (86/87) and 525 (8788). Suwito HS, artists from Malang ludruk say no more than 500 group because many members of the group, which has a membership of up to five groups.
The results Suripan Sadi Hutomo, according to the dictionary Woordenboek javanansch Nederduitssch Gencke and T Roorda's work (1847), Ludruk means Grappermaker (badutan). Another source states ludruk means female dancers and comedians badhut meaning in the work Poerwadarminta WJS, BPE Literature (1930). Meanwhile, according to S. Wojowasito (1984) that the word already known by the public badhut East Java since the year 760 AD in the kingdom with its king Gjayana Kanyuruhan Malan, a dance artist who left the memories of the temple Badhut.
Ludruk not formed for granted, but experienced a long metamorphosis. We do not have sufficient data to reconstruct such a long time, but you Hendricus Supriyanto try to set on the basis of resource persons who are still alive until 1988, that ludruk as folk theater began in 1907, by Sir Santik from Ceweng village, Jombang district Goda District.
Starting from the arts ngamen containing simple lyric poetry and wasps, Mr. Santik friends with Mr Pono and Mr. Amir traveled from village to village. Mr. Pono wearing women's clothes and face makeup painted graffiti to appear funny. From where the audience gave birth to the word. Wong lorek .. Due to variations in language, the word turned into a word Lerok Lorek.
Period Lerok Besud (1920. 1930)
Art that comes from these ngamen audience acclaim. In the development that is often invited to fill the wedding party and other party people.
Subsequent performances, especially in the event there are changes that are served. At the start of the event was held offering ceremony. The offering was a tribute to the four directions or four winds direction, then held performances. The main players wearing red hats Turkey, without or wear long-sleeved white shirt and black pants suits. From here berkembalah acronyms Mbekta intent means to bring purpose, which eventually convert into lerok besutan lerok designation.
Lerok and Ludruk Period (1930-1945)
Period lerok Besut thrives in 1920-1930, after that time many emerging ludruk in eastern Java. Ludruk own terms are more determined by the society that has divided the term lerok. Name lerok and ludruk continue side by side since the appearance until 1955, further supporting the community and artists tend to choose ludruk.
Contemporaneous with the struggle in the political Soetomo who founded the Party of Indonesia highway, in 1933 founded the Ludruk Oraganizatie Durasim cak (LO). This is a pioneering Ludruk staging ludruk perform in a play and very well-known courage in criticizing both the Dutch and the Japanese government.
Ludruk at this time serves as an entertainment and lighting equipment to the people, by the player ludruk players are used to convey the message the message preparation of Independence, with a peak due to the events of July Jula kidungan become a legend in the whole group Ludruk in Indonesia, namely: Bekupon Omahe Doro, Melok Nipon Soyo Sengsoro., cak Durasim and his friends were arrested and imprisoned by the Japanese.
Ludruk Independence Period (1945-1965)Ludruk at this time serves as an entertainment and lighting equipment to the people, to convey the message of development messages. In the period in which famous Ludruk. Marhaen. property. Indonesian Communist Party .. Therefore not surprising that the PKI was easily influenced people, which is used as a funnel ludruk PKI to do fundraising period for the purpose of rebel. Madiun Affair 1948 and G-30 S 1965 represents the pinnacle of hypocrisy PKI.
Ludruk actually get a place in the people of East Java. There are two very famous ludruk groups namely: Ludruk Marhaen and Ludruk Tresna Enggal.
Ludruk Marhaen never played at the Palace of up to 16 times, this shows how close the artists ludruk with decision makers in this country. It also had the opportunity Ludruk entertaining fighters to reclaim Irian Jaya, Trikora II B, which received an award from the commander of the Mandala (Soeharto). Ludruk is more skewed. to the left., so that when the incident happened Ludruk G 30 S PKI was disbanded. 
Ludruk Period Post-G 30 S PKI (1965. at present)
Events G30S PKI really brought disorder Ludruk group group mainly affiliated to the Cultural Institute of the People's Party.
Vacuum occurred between 1965-1968. After that came the new policy regarding group ludruk group in East Java. Melting ludruk coordinated by the Armed Forces in this case DAM UB VIII of this melting process occurred between 1968-1970.
1. Eks-Ludruk Marhaen in Surabaya was merged into the unit I ludruk Wijaya Kusuma
2. Eks-Ludruk Anogara Malang merged into Ludruk Wijaya Kusuma Unit II
3. Eks-Ludruk Uril A Malang merged into Ludruk Wijaya Kusuma Unit III, nurtured Korem 083 Baladika Jaya Malang
4. Eks-Ludruk Tresna Enggal Surabaya Wijaya Kusuma merged into ludruk IV unit
5. Eks-film star in Kediri Ludruk merged into Ludruk Kusuma V units
In various areas ludruk ludruk fostered by the Armed Forces, until 1975. Then they returned to the group of independent artists ludruk until now.
With the bitter experience never felt due to this art, not long Ludruk below appear as an overall figure of Art. At this time ludruk really a tool of entertainment. So the younger generation who do not go into history will recognize as a group ludruk theatrical buffoonery.
Everyone Surabaya East Java in particular, must recognize Markeso, Kartolo et al. Try attention to how they play Ludruk. Until now only some circles who knows. ludruk Animals do it? .. Like a car, it all depends on the driver, if the driver straight yes straight path, but if the driver go off, drowsiness, etc., we can see and predict circumstances that will occur.


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