Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011


The word comes from Arabic Seudati syahadati or syahadatain, which means testimony or confessions. In addition, there is also saying that the word comes from the word seurasi Seudati meaning harmony or compact. Seudati developed since the Islamic religion to enter Aceh. Islam advocates of utilizing this dance as a medium of propaganda to develop religious teachings of Islam. This dance is quite developed in North Aceh, Pidie and East Aceh. This dance is performed by telling various kinds of problems that happen so that people know how to solve a problem together. At first known as a dance dance Seudati coast called ratoh or ratoih, which means telling, demonstrated to initiate the game cockfighting, or exhibited to exult when harvest season arrives on the night of full moon.
In ratoh, can be told many ways, the story of sad, happy, advice, to the stories of encouragement. Scholars who develop Islam in Aceh is generally derived from the Arab country. Therefore, the terms used in Seudati generally derived from Arabic. Among the terms that means a leader Sheikh, Saman which means eight, and the poem which means nyayian.
Dance Seudati now been expanded to all regions of Aceh and favored by the people. In addition to used as media propaganda, Seudati also be performances of entertainment for the masses. 

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