Selasa, 24 Mei 2011


National Masjid Al Akbar Surabaya or society more familiarly called the Great Mosque is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia has beautiful architecture, unique, it is not surprising, that many domestic and foreign tourists visited the Masjid Al Akbar.
 The position of this mosque is next to the Surabaya-Sidoarjo highway. Trait that is easily seen is the large dome is accompanied by four small domes are blue. As well as having a tower 99 meters high. National Mosque of Al-Akbar Surabaya (MAS) was established since August 4, 1995, on the idea that time mayor of Surabaya, H. Soenarto Soemoprawiro. Mosque development is marked by laying the first stone by Vice President H. Tri Sutrisno. However, due to the monetary crisis the construction was stopped temporarily. In 1999, this mosque was built again and finished in 2001. On 10 November 2000, the mosque was inaugurated by President KH. Abdurrahman Wahid.
 Physically, the building area and its supporting facilities is 22,300 m2, with a length of 147 m and 128 m wide, with a capacity of 25,000 people .. jama'ah MAS roof shape consisting of a large dome supported by four small dome-shaped Limasan and 1 tower. The uniqueness of MAS dome is located on the dome shape that is almost like half an egg with a 1.5-layer has a height of about 27 meters. To close the dome, used a product that is also used in some mosques such as Masjid Raya festival in Shah Alam Selangor (Malaysia). Another feature of this huge mosque is the entrance to the room height and large mosque and mihrab mihrab is the biggest mosque in Indonesia.

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