Selasa, 24 Mei 2011


Indonesian is rich in natural resources, culture, myth, and the customary rules. The things that look fun it was well received by foreign tourists. They considered the state of Indonesia is very exotic. Exotic because the things they can certainly not in his country. It is common in Indonesia is considered to be unusual even in their eyes.

Indonesian culture is very rich. Culture is owned not just a kind of dance or folk songs. Indonesian culture is more varied. Coupled with cultural differences in each region. One of the Indonesian culture featuring different things in each show is Reog Ponorogo.

Basically every culture which is owned by each region in Indonesian is different. Culture has a philosophy and history respectively. Usually the philosophy and history held by the culture that depends on the area where he came from.

If the culture comes from the land of Java, the philosophy and history can certainly be something to do with the culture of Java. That's what happens in Reog Ponorogo.

Reog Ponorogo come from the land of Java, rather than the Ponorogo, East Java. Different things that are owned by the culture of this one is, Reog Ponorogo always show or at least influenced by things smelling mystical in every big spectacle. Strength Reog Ponorogo contained in the story, costumes and equipment, as well as dance.

Initially, Reog Ponorogo used as a means to gather the masses. Reog Ponorogo also have a role as transmitter of information or means of communication from the authorities at that moment in his subjects. Reog Ponorogo that do attract attention finally become one of the distinctive culture which is owned by Roxburgh and surrounding communities.
History and Origins Reog Ponorogo

Among several versions of the origin story Reog Ponorogo, the story of Ki Ageng Mirah seems to be history's most famous. Ki Ageng Mirah is the figure behind the story of the history of Reog Ponorogo. Ki Ageng Mirah also created a character who became known as the Lion Barongan dengna Reog title. Reog itself comes from Arabic, Riyoqun the meaning is Khusnul khatimah.

The significance of Riyoqun or Khusnul khatimah is dead in the holy state. Although the lion Barongan or reog during her life is always sin. But before the barong was dead, he finally repented and begged forgiveness of God. From Ki Ageng Mirah is the story of Reog Ponorogo continue and circulated by word of mouth.

Figure of a lion that turned out to also have his own stories. The story of Ki Ageng Flea Suryonggalan forerunner of the birth of Reog or Barongan. Reog was actually symbolic of King Brawijaya V, which is the King of Majapahit. By Ki Ageng lice Suryonggalan, Brawijaya king regarded as a king who never meet their obligations. Moreover, Brawijaya king was considered to be very scared by the empress.
Brawijaya King cowardly attitude symbolized by the tiger-faced Reog kingpin but adorned by a peacock. Reog Ponorogo peacock symbolizes the empress who always follow or monitor behavior Brawijaya V king

Stories Reog Ponorogo

Major Reog berceritakan about the struggle of a king named Sewondono Jenggala who put hearts to the Goddess Sanggalangit, beautiful princess from the kingdom of Kediri. Goddess Sangalangit propose some conditions. Sewondono asked to move all the contents of the forest to the palace.

Sewondono struggle is not easy. He must face the lion Barong forest watchman. To deal with Barong, Sewondono mobilize all soldiers, warok, and his patih. His efforts did not succeed. The messenger is dead in the forest.

Sewondono decided to go into the woods alone and whip whip weapon berbekalkan Samandiman heritage. The fight was eventually won by Sewondono.
Performing Reog
Stories Reog Ponorogo history is always present in every big spectacle. Philosophy and movements that were served were adapted from historical stories. For example, the dance movements performed when the show was held Reog Ponorogo. Dance movements that describe the soldiers who were fighting against Barongan or Reog.

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