Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


Indonesia is a country with laws that form the unity government is a republic and a presidential system of government with a parliamentary nature. Indonesia did not adopt the system of separation of power but a power-sharing. Although the ± 90% Moslem population, Indonesia is not an Islamic state.

The executive branch is headed by a president who is head of state and head of government who is assisted by a Vice President whose position as assistant president over the ministers who are also supporting the president.
Legislative power is divided between two rooms in the MPR / MPR that is, the House of Representatives / DPR and DPD / DPD. Judicial branch consists of Supreme Court / Supreme Court that and a Constitutional Court / Court who jointly holds the power of the judiciary. Inspektif power is controlled by the Supreme Audit Board which has representatives in every province and district throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

Indonesia consists of 33 provinces have autonomy, 5 of whom have a different status of autonomy, consists of 3 autonomous region of Aceh, Papua and West Papua; a Special Region of Yogyakarta, and 1 Special Capital Region of Jakarta. Each province is divided again into districts and each district is divided again into sub-district / district and then divided again into keluarahan / village / village until the latter is the neighborhood.

Elections are held every 5 years to elect members of parliament, members of the DPD, and DPRD members of the so-called legislative elections (Pileg) and to elect the President and Vice-President or the so-called presidential elections (Election). Elections in Indonesia adopted a multiparty system.

There are large differences between the political systems of Indonesia and other democratic countries in the world. Among them are the People's Consultative Assembly that are characteristic of the local knowledge of Indonesia, the Constitutional Court is also authorized to adjudicate disputes election results, the form of a unitary state that applies the principles of federalism such as the Regional Representative Council, and bounded multiparty system where every party that followed general election must meet a threshold of 2.5% to be able to put its members in the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives of Regional / District / City.

Reform in Indonesia politics that began in 1998 [citation needed] has yielded many important changes in politics in Indonesia.

Among these are the Assembly, which has been reduced duties and authority, reducing the term of office the president and vice president to 2 times the period of service with each term of office for 5 years, the establishment of the Constitutional Court, and the formation of DPD as a counterweight Parliament.

Indonesia is divided over the provinces and regions of the province was divided into districts and / or city governed by its own laws regarding the establishment of the area. Each district and the city is also divided into units called sub-district government / district. Each sub-district / district is divided into units of smaller villages, village, villages, village, village, pekon, and sub-district level as well as the units are recognized by the Constitution NRI 1945.

Local government at provincial, district, and city consists of Local Government and Regional Representatives Council / Parliament who is a representative institution of local people are both elements of regional governance. Local governments have the power to regulate and manage their own affairs according to the principles of autonomy and governance assistance tasks, local governments also have the right set of local regulations and other regulations to implement autonomy and duty of assistance. Local governments have the right to run broad autonomy except on foreign policy affairs, defense, security, judicial, fiscal, monetary, and religious.

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