Rabu, 18 Mei 2011


This paper aimed to motivate myself. We hope to provide benefits to the companions who have been routinely and regularly visited web pages on this or that happened to stop by.
In summary, motivation is the driving passion to do something. Here are some motivational tips that may be useful.
1. Always be grateful for what we get.
Perhaps this is a simple, yet very motivating ourselves when we hit or fell with the target-target-awaited and is expected to occur, but the fact is missed. Disclosure of gratitude through 3 ways.
• By the liver. Look around us is below us. Sure this will make our hearts soft and would be grateful for favors which some people can not enjoy it.
• With oral, to say thank God. Blessings that we feel we will not get without the permission of the owners of our bodies, the owner of our bodies, our spirits are also owners. Then we are? We are creatures who were given loans to be able to work, and share happiness with others.
• With deeds. Gratitude by sharing happiness with others. Feel the happiness that arises when we can see the happiness that comes through our hands. There is a feeling pushed in the chest to feel happy even though buliran not feel the tears flowing. If we ever feel it, repeat repeat and repeat.
2. Do what we're interested.
This will motivate us to do so. Because with him we feel enjoy, and with no right there feeling bored and tired. Many of our brothers in their work because of the demands, not because they love it. From the results we will know which ones work because like him, or work because of the demands. People working with pleasure followed, will add the details voluntarily.
3. If not as we wish.
Convince yourself, if this position is the initial step toward what we want. Surely there's a silver lining. Whatever keadaanannya. Stay doing the best we can, because it shows our quality.
4. Pay attention to, estimating, and fishing opportunities.
Each of us has opportunities to success. But few people are able to utilize this opportunity. Sometimes we see there are opportunities, but has limitations, eg lack of capital, lack of expertise and others. That is what the society, the existence interact, socialize, and bertolong-help. By working together it will produce a positive fit with the goals and desires. Refine the ability to see opportunities.
5. Gather with people who are motivated.
This principle is the same as the term seller perfume will smell fragrant on its own.
6. Always draw near to God.
Sometimes in trying to have ups and downs. Barriers and obstacles in the move. Make sure to myself that all was a silver lining. Sajakan Maybe it is God's way to educate us. We will not be educated like in school, but we are educated through the events. We'll get a lesson from the larger scale university. of university life.
May we include people who can give benefit to others. May God allow it .. Amen ..
It is not something to change if it does not start to act, and when the most appropriate time to start it if not today.

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