Jumat, 03 Juni 2011


VIVAnews - Inspiration can come at any time and sometimes in the most unexpected places. That is what experienced country singer Taylor Swift.

According to Femalefirst, Friday, May 27, 2011, ex-boyfriend singer John Mayer wrote the song in an airport bathroom. For Swift, the inspiration that comes simply should not be missed.

"The weirdest I wrote the song probably at the airport. I suddenly had the idea that I had to run to the bathroom at the airport, take the paper towel and wrote the lyrics on it," said Swift told MTV.

Swift, who had just won the Top Country Artist Billboard Music Awards event in 2011, reveal the lyric that read paper towels that are still kept well.

"I still have it. I put it in a box in rooms," said Swift.

Swift also memiiki other unique habits. The 21-year-old woman hobby confide about his former girlfriend through a string of song lyrics. As is known Swift ever having an affair with Joe Jonas, actors 'Twilight' Taylor Lautner and Jake Gyllenhaal. Name John Mayer also had to fill the days of Swift, though both failed to establish a relationship of love.


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