Jumat, 03 Juni 2011


Nothing stands out from the coffee shop at Jalan Pahlawan. Lamongan this. Physically, the stalls are made of wood with an area of ​​about 3x4 meter normal course, even more impressed dull. However, almost half of residents in the City of Lamongan know this shop. Yes, stalls or shops were owned by Mr. sideboards, known as coffee merchandise worms. Although only sell coffee, but not a few residents who have to queue untukmendapatkan artificial coffee shop owner. Because, Coffee shop provided it is not just any coffee, but coffee worms. Yes, coffee worm is believed to cure various diseases. Kamari or usually on call Mr. sideboards, a coffee seller since a dozen years ago. But since the last three years, he made his coffee becomes more special. The secret, the usual coffee mixed with milk and ginger are added to the mixture of worms. To find where the stall Pak sideboards is not too difficult. Hero Street Village New Tumenggung District Municipality. Pak sideboards selling daily. He began to open shop from morning until late afternoon. To make copies of worms, the first Pak sideboards to find earthworms that are often found in the yard. Worms were then washed before baking on the stove until charred. ''Once charred, the worm then crushed, or pulverized so that the form of powders. Worms are already a powder is then mixed with my coffee. After stirring, the worm copies are ready to serve,''he said while stirring coffee. The idea to make copies of this worm comes from the observation Pak sideboards of ducks and chickens in the vicinity. Ducks are relatively more resistant to disease than chickens. Once observed, it turns more often to eat worms duck than chicken. Observations and then he tried. Since then he often looking for worms and swallow it without cooking. Eating raw worms do not cause him pain, otherwise he felt his body growing resistance despite near elderly. Although there is no medical explanation regarding the efficacy of this worm, but Mr. optimistic sideboards, coffee worm could be an alternative for people with liver disease, tipes and other diseases. Evidently, the more customers and no one has complained with coffee recipes worm. Anam, a customer, claimed to feel the efficacy of coffee this worm when he experienced pain tipes. After drinking coffee regularly worm, which suffered tipes fade away and now never recur again. ''Back when sick, I routinely buy and drink coffee worms every other day. And Alhamdulillah, now tipes I was cured,''he said. The same is expressed Tutus, village residents Sukorejo Lamongan District Municipality. He said, since the age of 9 months, her first child is often sick hot. When ill, his temperature can reach 39 degrees. ''Because of the heat is very high, often accompanied by seizures. So, we immediately brought to the hospital,''he said. Hot son was sick, he continued, almost came every two months. As a result, every time it came he had to take his son out of the hospital. ''We have one family who visit my son in hospital, he suggests buying coffee for worms. And it turns out, after drinking coffee worm, hot the next day my child go down,''he said


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