Rabu, 01 Juni 2011


Trade relations between India and Southeast Asia including Indonesia (Nusantara) has been happening. These trade relations coincided with the development of Buddhism, which requires the priests (monks-bhiksunya) to spread the religion. One of them that business is part Indian merchant ships, and with great diligence to spread her religion. The presence of the monks in these ships, among others, evidenced by the discovery of Buddha statues in places close to trade routes, such as statues of Buddha in Bukit Seguntang, Palembang, in Sempaga on the west coast of Sulawesi, in the City Build (Kutai) . These statues come from the II-III century AD.
In contrast with Buddhist monks, priests did not join the non-Buddhist merchant ships spread their religion, but they were specially invited by the king in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia (Nusantara).
The first pastors were invited to Indonesia not a priest from the Hindu-Shiva, but from the Vedic religion (Brahmins) who flourished in India between 1500 BC, until about the first century AD.
Vedic religion brought into India by the Aryans between the years 2000-1500 BC, and trust can we know from the Vedas which amounted to four of the Rigveda, Yajur Veda, Veda and Atharva Veda Same. God-dewinya of 33, and is a manifestation or personification of natural forces that shape belief is called "naturalistic polytheism", but that they had called "henotheism kat" (kat: flit, heno: a) means which is considered the highest god alternated according interests of the worshiper. The ritual of the Vedas is bersaji (offerings) that are not made in the temple, but in an open field called the Vedi or Ksetra. Above the stove was established field called agni or Kunda, totaling at least four to burning objects presented to the gods. Center for development of Vedic religion in India is around the river Sindhu (Indus), the West Indies. Vedic religion was replaced by the Hindu religion that worships three gods (Trinity: Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma) at around the first century AD, the Vedic scriptures they remain coupled by the Puranas and Upa Puranas. Unlike the Vedic religion, Hinduism development centers around the rivers Ganges and Yamuna, East India. Hindu religion has a doctrine sva-dharma (obligations in accordance with teak / caste).
In the process, groups of worshipers emerged as the supreme god Shiva or Vishnu as the supreme god in the Vaisnava religion, then in the sixth century Sakta cult magic show religion or god energy, especially the god Shiva.
Vedic religion in the archipelago into the early religions that originated in India, the oldest evidence found in Kutai, Muarakaman, Tarumanagara and Lime City on the island of Bangka. Only in the seventh century AD Hindu Trimurti cult flourished in Central Java, the first evidence known at the inscriptions Tuk Mas, in Dakawu, Magelang. Furthermore, according to the inscription in 732 AD Canggal issued by King Sanjaya, religion, Shiva began to develop in Java. Saiwa temples popping up in Java, among the temples in Dieng.

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