Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Practical Tips for Visiting the Taj Mahal

The beauty of the Taj Mahal, one of the wonders of the world, many featured in various writings. This time, I wish to share some practical tips visit tourist attractions in Agra

Ordering train tickets

No matter how many days will you spend in Agra, the best way to get there from Delhi is by train - except in winter when a thick fog often delay the departure.

Delhi-Agra Train majors of the most popular is Shabtdi Bhopal Express, with a choice of classes as you wish. Order tickets in advance. You can order tickets by credit card payment through www.cleartrip.com or www.makemytrip.com.

Get ready to queue

Security entrance to the Taj Mahal is extremely tight. This makes entry into the long queues, especially on Saturdays, Sundays, or any other holiday.

You have to queue twice, first when buying a ticket, both when trying to enter the gate. Queue ticket for 750 rupees (for foreign tourists) usually is not long. But the second line really challenging. You can wait for 20 minutes to an hour, depending on how many tourists who want to enter.

Officers separate queues for men and women, so do not let you line up in the wrong place. The line of women is usually much longer than men, because the guards have to check one by one handbag.

Save items in lockers

With cost 20 rupees, you can rent lockers to store bags. This storage area is located before the counter purchase of tickets. Bring only necessary items, such as cameras, mineral water, cell phone, wallet and passport. This handbook should also be abandoned.

Do not try to carry a backpack as I do. After lining up for nearly an hour, I was forced to keep a bag in the locker far enough from the gate and then lining up again.

Leave your food

You are prohibited from bringing food in any form into the Taj Mahal complex. At the checkpoint, the officer will check your body and handbag you carry. Foods that are found will be immediately thrown into a dustbin. You certainly do not want this to happen, right?

Tripod banned

For whatever reason, a tripod may not be used at all at the Taj Mahal. You may bring a tripod as long as it has obtained licenses in Delhi (but reportedly the application process takes many months).

Because not carefully read the rules - and the officer who searched the bags we did not notice the camera - we also managed to bring a tripod inside. As in, when we had just issued a tripod, we went straight to the police and escorted to the police station.

You can take advantage of fences, walls, and even shoes to prop up the camera, so do not need help from others to take photos. After all shots usually just anyone less than satisfactory.


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