Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Feeling the pulse Beringharjo Market

Beringharjo market is still a major shopping destination for those who travel to Yogyakarta. Although in Jalan Malioboro also have a lot of batik and souvenir shops, but they still can not match Beringharjo.

On weekends, batik seller alleys on the ground floor of this market would be packed. You must be prepared to jostle with batik vendors offering wares - also with two flows of visitors who shop in the narrow alleys.

In this market, you can shop from the ready-made batik (either in the form of cloth, stamp or write). Various motif like Lasem, Madura, Bantul are also available. Even casual wear, house dresses, baggy pants, until the gowns and formal batik shirt can also be searched.

One of the places that could be an option is batik Soenardi outlets. They have two stalls on the ground floor of this market, one south of the market and one in the north. Both los it provides a different collection. Batik cloth sells for Rp 110 thousand, while the stamp sold ranging from Rp 70 thousand.

If you want to find a unique batik Bantul (which is always dark brown with the rest of the fabric is left white), there is a special kiosk selling it. Unfortunately, these kiosks are not named or numbered. To get this kiosk, go from the main door at the front of the market and then turn left at the fifth passage. Bantul typical batik stalls will be on your left side, guarded by two elderly women who berkebaya, fabric and bun.

You just choose from a variety of classical motifs such as sidomukti, kawung, machetes and galaran. Per sheet of batik cloth sells for USD 65 thousand. Seller typical batik Bantul is proud to say, they do not sell printed batik in their stalls.

On the third floor of the market, you'll find bags woven from water hyacinth. The design and coloring is quite modern and stylish. Small bag that can carry a wallet and cell phones and other paraphernalia can you get with the price of USD 15 thousand.

If antiques are your interest, walk to the northern part of the market. Ancient coins (bruise) is also sold as packages ranging from USD 15 thousand, depending on rarity. There, the kitchen trinkets such as coffee grinders can you get with cheap price. In addition, there are still dry spices, various kinds of herbs, a variety of wedding dress accessories, to snacks such as cendol and satay lard (fat) which spreads its fragrance in the halls of the market.

Beringharjo market is not just about shopping, but also human beings in it. One of the most impressive (and make the explosions) are the vendors carrying groceries or services mbok mbok carry the old-old (60 years and over). You can recognize them from the shawl draped over one shoulder. They also sometimes will approach you to offer services in exchange for wearing or carrying some


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