Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Six highway With Beautiful Scenery in Asia

Although most of Asia consists of an archipelago and some densely populated major cities, there are places that can accommodate your desire to step on the gas pedal cars deep. Here are some of the most beautiful places in Asia to drive and enjoy the freedom on the streets. Enjoy the beautiful scenery while a blast of wind on the exposed face of the sun. And do not forget, bring a list of your favorite songs to accompany all the way!

Great Ocean Road - Australia

Just a stone's throw from Melbourne, you can find the Great Ocean Road. The road along the 151 miles (243 km) connecting the southern coast of Australia. This is one of the world's favorite location to watch the sunset, especially if you are near 12 Apostles (the Apostle), lined the amazing limestone fracture. Do not miss the helicopter sightseeing tours along the coast if the weather support, and some surfing gear discount store in Torquay. There are also walking in the forest area near the store Lorne stunning waterfalls. And there are some 'entrance' to the last rainforest in Australia, Great Otway National Park.

Canal Path-Vietnam Hai Van

Canal Hai Van, on the route between Hue and Hoian 1A, claimed as "a ribbon of perfection ... one of the best beaches in the world's roads." O means the cloud sea, and indeed the surrounding hills are often shrouded in fog. This route has an alternative path, Hai Van Tunnel. For many drivers, this is a difficult path, so beware before you try it yourself! But with views of green hills, the sparkling sea, and mountain peaks, this place was so beautiful.

Line Osado Skyline - Sado Island, Japan

Over the years, Sado Island has become a place berlindungnya political rebels, but the tourists come here to enjoy the peace and tranquility. With a population of 70 thousand people, there is room to relax while enjoying the relief asrinya Osado mountains, sea cliffs, and small villages. Hiking is very popular activity on the island, but do not miss the street along the 155 miles (250 km) that you can explore. The best scenery you can see when passing through the intersection point between the mountains and Mount Kinpoku Osado, the highest peak of this island. Be sure to stop at the point Hakuundai; do not forget, this road will be closed in winter (November-April).

Line Northeast Phuket - Thailand

Remove from bustling Phuket, there are several paths you can go through to see rural scenery. One is the path Mills Mission, while the other popular is the Northeast corner of Phuket. First it was the Monument of the fighters and around the east coast of the island. There are stunning views of Phang-nga Bay and you will find many fishing villages along the way that invites you to enjoy seafood. Do not forget to also see the statue of the elephant-headed Hindu god, Ganesha.

Halsema Highway - The Philippines

If you want to reach the highest peak on the highway system of the Philippines, just to the Halsema Highway linking Baguio and Sagada. The name is taken from the highway engineers who are able to build roads through the mountains. In addition to views of farms and vegetable gardens, you can also see a variety of unique objects. Unique moment when you see a lot of these villages are set up monuments to their biggest export, vegetables. Make sure you stop to take pictures at the statue of potato, carrot statue, and so on. Only in Asia ...

From Twizel to Mount Cook - New Zealand

The water was never seen more blue and surreal than in the middle of Lake Pukaki in the South Island, New Zealand. The streets along the 39 miles (63 km) from Lake Pukaki Twizel past that seemed without end, ending at Mount Cook Village, where you can see the snowy peak of Mount Cook, New Zealand's highest point. In this village you can choose to hike or enjoy a tour of the Lake Pukaki. You also can drive to explore the many roads in the region, but Mount Cook had a lot of charm.


Feeling the pulse Beringharjo Market

Beringharjo market is still a major shopping destination for those who travel to Yogyakarta. Although in Jalan Malioboro also have a lot of batik and souvenir shops, but they still can not match Beringharjo.

On weekends, batik seller alleys on the ground floor of this market would be packed. You must be prepared to jostle with batik vendors offering wares - also with two flows of visitors who shop in the narrow alleys.

In this market, you can shop from the ready-made batik (either in the form of cloth, stamp or write). Various motif like Lasem, Madura, Bantul are also available. Even casual wear, house dresses, baggy pants, until the gowns and formal batik shirt can also be searched.

One of the places that could be an option is batik Soenardi outlets. They have two stalls on the ground floor of this market, one south of the market and one in the north. Both los it provides a different collection. Batik cloth sells for Rp 110 thousand, while the stamp sold ranging from Rp 70 thousand.

If you want to find a unique batik Bantul (which is always dark brown with the rest of the fabric is left white), there is a special kiosk selling it. Unfortunately, these kiosks are not named or numbered. To get this kiosk, go from the main door at the front of the market and then turn left at the fifth passage. Bantul typical batik stalls will be on your left side, guarded by two elderly women who berkebaya, fabric and bun.

You just choose from a variety of classical motifs such as sidomukti, kawung, machetes and galaran. Per sheet of batik cloth sells for USD 65 thousand. Seller typical batik Bantul is proud to say, they do not sell printed batik in their stalls.

On the third floor of the market, you'll find bags woven from water hyacinth. The design and coloring is quite modern and stylish. Small bag that can carry a wallet and cell phones and other paraphernalia can you get with the price of USD 15 thousand.

If antiques are your interest, walk to the northern part of the market. Ancient coins (bruise) is also sold as packages ranging from USD 15 thousand, depending on rarity. There, the kitchen trinkets such as coffee grinders can you get with cheap price. In addition, there are still dry spices, various kinds of herbs, a variety of wedding dress accessories, to snacks such as cendol and satay lard (fat) which spreads its fragrance in the halls of the market.

Beringharjo market is not just about shopping, but also human beings in it. One of the most impressive (and make the explosions) are the vendors carrying groceries or services mbok mbok carry the old-old (60 years and over). You can recognize them from the shawl draped over one shoulder. They also sometimes will approach you to offer services in exchange for wearing or carrying some


Experience Four Seasons on the Great Ocean Road

Great Ocean Road is probably the most special way in the state of Victoria, Australia. Range 45 m-high rock called Twelve Apostles stood off the coast of Port Campbell National Park and often the last stop point of the journey across the Great Ocean Road that links between Torquay and Warnambool along 243 km.

For me, the most interesting part of the Great Ocean Road is how I feel like having four seasons in one trip. Weather Victoria who likes to go around changing the add my impression.

Together with a friend, I go in the morning by car. From downtown Melbourne, where I lived at that time, we headed southeast towards Geelong. From Geelong, we head to Torquay, a small town which officially became the beginning of the Great Ocean Road. In addition to smooth, this road offers magnificent views.

In Torquay, we enjoy the beautiful blue beaches, which is the plural views when crossing this road. Coastal road between Torquay, Lorne to Apollo Bay presents extraordinary beauty. Apollo Bay is a small town located in a bay. This place has now become one of the destinations, although probably still less with the neighboring city, Lorne.

In Apollo Bay, we stopped for a moment to unwind and enjoy lunch. It was the month of February, still summer in Australia. The sun shone hot and I saw lots of people surfing. There is also a line of shops selling surfing equipment as well as providing courses.

The journey continues, and this time do not cross the street edge of the beach. Precisely this part that makes me very impressed. Solar heat is lost is replaced by a hanging cloud, then we are through the rain forest with a variety of tumbuhannya. The sky was covered with thick foliage of large trees on the right side and left side of the road.

If you want to explore more natural in Australia, at Cape Otways, not far from Apollo Bay you can join to make bushwalking - walking across the forest.

Heavy rains flushed, so we had to stop the car for a moment at the edge of the forest. Weather was hot rain drenched with water, trees shed leaves. As autumn is coming too fast.

Because of the pouring rain only briefly, when we cross the pastures, live drizzle that greeted the point. The smell of wet earth and grass to create an atmosphere similar to the spring. We stopped briefly to see the cows that are left abandoned in a vast meadow. The view is of course difficult to be found in Indonesia, mostly livestock animals are left in the cage and only occasional shepherd.

After going through the Princeton, we went back down the

 Twelve Apostles

Made of high coral limestone formation lined magnificent. Although called the Twelve Apostles - or 12 apostles - in fact the amount of rock that still stands today just eight. Twelve Apostles is the natural scenery in Australia's most frequently photographed. The rocks are formed from the erosion of the ocean waves hit. At first big rock eroded bit by bit to form caves and cliffs which over time eroded to form the pillars of limestone that is very high up to 45 m.

Due to the harsh blow of sea water, some of the pillars collapsed. However, due to strong erosion, there is the possibility of cliffs overlooking the ocean will form a new pillar in the future.

The best time across the Great Ocean Road
Spring is in the month of August to October may be the most appropriate time to visit Australia in the south, including through the Great Ocean Road. Here is a subtropical climate. In the winter, although the relative temperature not too cold (only around 4 degrees Celsius), wind from the direction of the poles will penetrate to the bone.

Meanwhile in Victoria in the summer, temperatures can reach over 40 degrees Celsius in the daytime. You may feel uncomfortable with the temperature is too high. In the spring, in addition to the appropriate air temperature, some will be more beautiful panorama. You will be able to see the grass started greening in the journey.

The distance between Melbourne to the Twelve Apostles is often the last stop for a long time, up to 5 hours of travel. It is better you stay at least overnight for convenience panorama of Victoria in Australia. Come on holiday to the Land of Kangaroos!
coast until he reached the main objectives, namely Twelve Apostles in Port Campbell National Park.


Biography Bung Tomo

Sutomo or known as Bung Tomo call was recorded as a national hero since 2 November 2008 through pengukungan by Information and Communications Minister M Nuh. He is a leader in the events of the battle popoler 10 November in Surabaya. He was an orator, incendiary fighting spirit to fight to the death, maintaining dignity, homeland and nation that has proclaimed August 17, 1945.

Sutomo raised in a middle class family. Education becomes important things that must be obtained Sutomo and his family. Sutomo tenacious personality, hard worker, his fighting power is very high. At his young age Sutomo active in scouting organization or KBI. He also joined a number of political and social groups. In 1944 he was a member of the New People's Movement. Since the arrival of allied forces and NICA in Surabaya, Bung Tomo struggled to maintain Surabaya from the clutches of the Allies and NICA. Bung Tomo has a strong influence among the youth and the fighters. He set fire to the spirit aloud fighters to battle it out against allied forces. The fighting was triggered by the death of Brigadier AWS Malaby in a gun battle with fighters. Although the strength of fighters are not balanced with the strength of the allied forces, but the events of 10 November battle as the most important events recorded in the history of the Indonesian nation

Around the 1950's Bung Tomo became active in political life. He had become Minister of State Affairs of Former Combatants Forces / Veterans as well as Ad Interim Minister of Social Affairs in 1955-1956 on Harahap Burhanuddin cabinet. Bung Tomo also been a member of Parliament from the Party Rakyat Indonesia 1956-1959. During the New Order government, Bung Tomo many criticized the policies of Suharto, who considered starting off the mark. Consequently on 11 April 1978 he was arrested and imprisoned by the Suharto government. Yet so great merit in the struggle to maintain independence. One year after the bear Bung Tomo then was released and not much active in the life of Tomo politik.Bung known as a devout Muslim worship. Beliaupun died when the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca padang Arafah October 7 1981.Jenazah Bung Tomo taken back to his homeland and buried rather than at a Cemetery of Heroes, but at the General Cemetery Ngagel in Surabaya.


Practical Tips for Visiting the Taj Mahal

The beauty of the Taj Mahal, one of the wonders of the world, many featured in various writings. This time, I wish to share some practical tips visit tourist attractions in Agra

Ordering train tickets

No matter how many days will you spend in Agra, the best way to get there from Delhi is by train - except in winter when a thick fog often delay the departure.

Delhi-Agra Train majors of the most popular is Shabtdi Bhopal Express, with a choice of classes as you wish. Order tickets in advance. You can order tickets by credit card payment through www.cleartrip.com or www.makemytrip.com.

Get ready to queue

Security entrance to the Taj Mahal is extremely tight. This makes entry into the long queues, especially on Saturdays, Sundays, or any other holiday.

You have to queue twice, first when buying a ticket, both when trying to enter the gate. Queue ticket for 750 rupees (for foreign tourists) usually is not long. But the second line really challenging. You can wait for 20 minutes to an hour, depending on how many tourists who want to enter.

Officers separate queues for men and women, so do not let you line up in the wrong place. The line of women is usually much longer than men, because the guards have to check one by one handbag.

Save items in lockers

With cost 20 rupees, you can rent lockers to store bags. This storage area is located before the counter purchase of tickets. Bring only necessary items, such as cameras, mineral water, cell phone, wallet and passport. This handbook should also be abandoned.

Do not try to carry a backpack as I do. After lining up for nearly an hour, I was forced to keep a bag in the locker far enough from the gate and then lining up again.

Leave your food

You are prohibited from bringing food in any form into the Taj Mahal complex. At the checkpoint, the officer will check your body and handbag you carry. Foods that are found will be immediately thrown into a dustbin. You certainly do not want this to happen, right?

Tripod banned

For whatever reason, a tripod may not be used at all at the Taj Mahal. You may bring a tripod as long as it has obtained licenses in Delhi (but reportedly the application process takes many months).

Because not carefully read the rules - and the officer who searched the bags we did not notice the camera - we also managed to bring a tripod inside. As in, when we had just issued a tripod, we went straight to the police and escorted to the police station.

You can take advantage of fences, walls, and even shoes to prop up the camera, so do not need help from others to take photos. After all shots usually just anyone less than satisfactory.



How to get Adsense account

Getting Adsense account is not quite easy because Google wants to maintain its reputation in the market and to maintain that Google keeps a check on users and allows only certain eligible and legitimate users to get the Adsense. Using Adsense is really simple but to do so you need to have an Adsense account and to get that follow the simple steps given below :

1. Go to Google Adsense

2. Now click “Sign Up Now” button to get registered.

3. Now fill out all the credentials asked by Adsense and click “Submit”.

How to use Google Adsense

As I have already mentioned above that using Adsense is really a simple task and I don’t think anyone should get worried about it now. Once they get through that selectively permeable membrane from Google and your Adsense application gets approved then you simply need to click the link in the email and login in using your Google id. When you login for the first time Google will teach you each and everything which you should know about the Adsense program. They will teach you stuff like How to create Ad unit, how to put Adsense for feeds etc. These all things might sound a bit difficult for you in starting but believe me once you gets comfortable with Adsense you will ind it quite easy.

How Adsense works

Working of Adsense is really simple, Google Adsense works as a interpreter between the Advertisers and the Publishers. For instance let us say User A signs up on Adwords (Google’s program which allows user to advertise on Google), after User A signs up on Google Adword , User A chose to advertise about his tech site www.example.com on some good sites which covers the same niche which is covered by User A’s site. Now Google Adsense comes into action as it finds a compatible publisher, let us say User 2 , to advertise User A’s ad then Google Adsense uses his site to advertise User A’s site. Now if any of the visitors of User 2 clicks on User A’s ad then User A has to pay a sum of amount of to Adwords, indirectly to User 2. That sum of amount which User A gives is already fixed. Now what Adsense do is that it takes some of the money which User A has given to Adwords, indirectly User 2. That share of money which Google Adsense takes is around 32%. So this way all the three people Google Adsense, User A and User 2 gets satisfied and this way publishers can earn really a good amount of money.

How to create new ad unit

Creating a new ad unit means creating the code for the ad which you are going to place on your site.For the newbies this thing may seem a bit difficult but it is not at all as difficult as it seems. Actually it is the title which Google uses, makes it sound a bit difficult but once you know what it is all about you will say “ahh! How stupid I was!”. To know how to create a ad unit follow the tutorial given below :

1. Login to Adsense.

2. Now go to “Adsense Setup” tab.

3. Now click “Manage Ads” which is the second sub-tab.

4. Now from there click “Create a new AdSense unit”.

5. Now from the next page chose the page for you want the Adsense code.Let us say you have clicked “Adsense for Content”.This will allow you to add the Adsense ads anywhere on the page.

6. After choosing the correct topic click the type of Ad you want – Link unit or Ad unit.

7. Now fill out all the things according to your need.

 8. After filling just click “Continue”.

9. Now add your Ad unit to the specific channel so that you can monitor it easily.If you haven’t created any channel yet ,create it by clicking “Add a new Channel”.

10. After adding the channel click “Continue” and then click “Submit and Get Code”.

 11. Now Google will provide you the Adsense code which can be placed anywhere on the page.

 Remember : You cannot modify the code.If you will do so it will lead to the ban on your Adsense account!Also read other Google Adsense Policies so that you can minimize the risk of getting banned!

How to update personal information

Updating personal information is the first question which strikes the mind of a first time Google Adsense user.To update any sort of information on Google Adsense you need to simply follow the tutorial below –

1. Login to your Adsense account.

2. Now click “My Account” tab.

3. Now from there you can easily update any sort of information you want to update – like you can change Payee Name,Address,Password,Language etc. which makes it flexible to use Google Adsense.


1. Mother Motherland, Kiev.

2. Lord Shiva of Murudeshwara

3. The Genghis Khan Statue

4. Grand Buddha at Ling Shan

5. The Mamayev Monument

6. The giant Gundam Statue

7. Buddha at Wat Muang


Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011


1. Antilles ($ 1,000,000,000)
This is the most expensive house in the world, the home is owned by Mukesh Ambani, the billionaire businessman and prominent Indian origin who is also the person who entered in the list of 10 richest people in the world. This house consists of 27 floors with a very large room, even garage can only accommodate around 150 cars.

2. William Randolph Hearst's Mansion ($ 165,000,000)
This luxury home owned by William Randolph Hearst, has 3 swimming pools, 29 bedrooms and the hall is very spacious. Inside there is also a discotheque and a mini cinema.

3. Elena Franchuk's Victorian Villa ($ 161,000,000)
The house is located in the Kensington area of London terraced house is 5 and has 10 bedrooms, a swimming pool in the room, panic room, cinema and sauna room.

4. The Penthouses at One Hyde Park ($ 160,000,000)
This house is still currently under construction, but once the facility is in this house is fairly plush, arguably even more like a hotel. there are news saying that if the building is completed in full, it will be able to beat the price of William Randolph Hearst's Mansion.

5. Aaron Spelling's Manor ($ 150,000,000)
This house stands on land which stretches 56,000 square meters of land and was built in 1991. Having 123 rooms, tennis courts, skating rink, bowling alley and several swimming pools.



1. Bugatti Veyron
Price: U.S. $ 1.7 million
USD 22.1 billion

2. Ferrari Enzo
Price: 1,000,000 U.S. dollars
Rp 13,000,000,000

3. Pagani Zonda C12
Price: U.S. $ 741,000
(USD 6.123 billion)

4. Shelby SSC Ultimate Aero
Price: U.S. $ 654,440
(USD 8,507,720,000)

5. LeBlanc Mirabeau
Price: U.S. $ 645,084
(USD 8,386,092,000)



Science of Harry Potter - at Frostburg State UniversityFor the lovers of children's novels, you can follow courses at Frostburg State University with a class of "Science of Harry Potter". The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze a variety of magical events in the book JK Rowling, and describes the various events is through the principles of physics. If you think this class is not known, make no mistake, these classes attract international attention, even to China and Australia. Physics Professor George Plitnik is the person behind this idea, and thanks to the class 'magic' of this, his name is now so global.
Simpsons and Philosophy - at Cal-Berkeley UniversityCal, one of the leading universities in America, with many people who received the Nobel Prize genius, it turns out to involve Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart and Margie among names such as Aristotle, Socrates, Sartre and many other famous philosophers. You are not only required to know and understand about The Simpsons but also have to be really familiar with various episodes. Various episodes show and discuss the social issues that arise such as racism and political issues. If you want to graduate, you should be able to write one story over 22 minutes for this screenplay. Value of college? Two credits!
STAR TREK and Religion - Indiana UniversityIndiana University in Bloomington offers one of the subjects in the field of Arts and Humanities. This course is offered as an "introduction to the Critical Study of Religion through popular culture", and "was very much STAR TREK episode has a theme that opposes religion." And this is what you will learn during a full semester!
Language Elf (Lord of the Rings) - University of Wisconsin
Tolkienism (all about JJ Tolkien - author of a series of Lord Of The Rings), who appears to have many fans. Creation of Tolkien's world that has many legends, language, maps, poetry and various creatures in fact turn a lot of imagination and even start some debate among fans. Tolkien fans in Madison, Wisconsins, to learn the language Elf, and attract the attention of the University of Wisnconsin to make subjects Sindarin (one of the Elf language), which was raised by David Salo. At the time this article was written, David Salo is a doctoral student of Linguistics at the University of Wisconsin. You will be interested more in the lecture, because it turns out David Salo is one of linguistic consultant employed by Peter Jackson at the time of making the movie Lord Of The Rings.
How to Watch Television - Montclair State UniversityNo kidding, it turns out students who take this class could reach 57 people, but do not imagine this course just sitting and watching television. This course can be taken by students who are majoring in Broadcasting or not, and the emphasis is on how to analyze the impact and role, and the extent to which impressions are understood by the audience. So in other words, you have to combine between theory and criticism of the media and education through the media. Students will be asked to watch popular shows like CSI, but not like simply enjoying as usual, for a variety of tasks from Professor Gencarelli to be done while watching CSI, make the students really have to observe many small details from an existing movie.
How to Dress - Princeton UniversitySeriously! According to experts, on several occasions, dress is more than just looks complicated. Courses are offered only to students beginning this semester will discuss various topics 'controversial' like Jeans, Hats, Tattoo, sandals and cargo pants. Apparently this is not a simple lecture. Clothes indicate various things such as character and even the history of that person. You interested?



1. Immortal Bridge (China)

2. Old Bridge Konitsa (Greece)

3. Rope Bridge Carrick-a-Rede (Ireland)

 4. Royal Gorge Bridge

5. Rope Bridge Inca (Inca Empire, Peru)

6. Hanging Bridge Pulau Langkawi (Malaysia)

7. Puente de Ojuela (Mexico)

8. Suspension bridge Hussaini (Pakistan)

9. Vitim River Bridge (Siberia)

10. Natural Bridge Bryce Canyon's Utah, USA)



1. Crescent Hotel
Built in 1886, "Hotel Crescent" is believed to be the most haunted hotels in America because it haunted. The story started when the hotel went bankrupt and for the first time in 'tranformasikan' as a school. In 1937 the hotel was bought by Norman Baker, a doctor, he also established the foundation to cure cancer. Baker eventually change the hotel into a healthy home. Even so, the patients who come for treatment does not go away and eventually died at the hotel. Since then, the roaming spirits of patients and often appeared in front of our guests.

2. Queen Mary Hotel
Former "Queen Mary"is a luxury yacht. Voyage for the first time in 1936. Queen Mary sailing even able to cross the Atlantic ocean. Because of the speed and 'the performance' a tough no doubt if the Queen Mary became famous and is the most expensive yacht in the world in his day. Call it the names of celebrities who is famous for atrocities such as Clark Gable, Mary Pickford, Greta Garbo and even Winston Churchill, had sailed with this luxurious ship. But unfortunately, when the war occurred in the British ship was taken over by the military forces of "The Grey Ghost" to cross the Atlantic by a mission of war. It was also the Queen Mary collided with the ship HMS Curacao causing the ship split into two vessels and 300 crew died. Queen Mary is believed as one of the many haunted hotel.

3. Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast
The hotel is believed to be haunted since August 4, 1892, when a boy named Lizzie Borden were brutally murdered father and stepmother to use an ax. Abby Borden, her stepmother were found dead between bed and a closet near the living room while his father who also got beat axes lying dead under the couch. Lizzie punished because his actions in Fall River and eventually died in 1927. Three of them recognized paranormal spirits often roaming the place.

4. The Old Spot Hotel
“The Old Spot Hotel” merupakan bangunan pertama yang dibangun oleh kota Gawler, Australia bagian Selatan tahun 1980. Bangunan itu lalu dijadikan tempat perkantoran dengan berbagai aktifitas bisnis. Setelah beberapa tahun kemudian tempat ini direnovasi dan berubah fungsi menjadi hotel. Sejak transformasi menjadi hotel, bangunan sering dimunculkan dengan kejadian-kejadian ganjil seperti penampakan hantu, bahkan tamu yang datang ke hotel ini sering kali di beri wejangan hantu-hantu yang berkeliaran, salah satunya penampakan hantu anak kecil. Pada pertengahan 1990 saja seorang tamu hotel menangkap 3 gambar aneh di kameranya yang tak lain adalah gambar hantu.

5. Hotel Del Coronado
This Victorian-style luxury hotel located disebrang port of San Diego, California. The hotel is often visited by famous guests such as Thomas Edison, L. Frank Baum, Charlie Chaplin, Charles Lindbergh, American presidents, and a guest who is not clearly named "Kate Morgan" who eventually spent the night in room 302 [now 3327]. Morgan's death at the hotel due to his cancer pain, but many say that Morgan died of suicide. Ghost Morgan would often appear before the guests Hotel Del Coronado.
