Selasa, 12 Juli 2011


Fairy tales and folklore about the legend of the origin of Lake Toba seems to be an interesting story to talk about. Because, basically, the history of the formation of Lake Toba is quite unique. So, there's not a bit offensive to the formation of Lake Toba from the so-called folklore or legend. To read the legend of the history of Lake Toba, please just read the brief article below. Hopefully Helpful. Oh yes, later on some pictures of Lake Toba that there will also be shown below after the legend of the origin of Lake Toba is written.

Tersebutlah a poor orphan boy. He lived alone in the northern part of Sumatra island is very dry. He lived with a farming and fishing.

One day, he was fishing and got caught a strange fish. The fish was huge and very beautiful. The color is golden. He then took off pole and held the fish. But when his hand touched, the fish turns into a beautiful princess! Apparently he is a fish that is cursed the gods for having violated a ban. Has disuratkan, if she touched his hand, he will turn into like creature who touched it. Because he touched people, he also turned into a human.

The young man then proposed marriage to the daughter of the fish. Princess fish were willing to nod their heads.

"But I have one request, kakanda." He said.

"I'm willing to be a wife kakanda, provided kakanda want to keep my secret that I come from a fish."

"Well, Adina. I'll keep it secret. "Said the young man.

Eventually they married and gave birth to a baby boy is funny. But when growing up, the boy is always hungry. Although many eating-food intake kemulutnya, he never felt full.

One day, being so hungry, he ate all the food on the table, including food rations both parents. Coming home from the fields, hungry father who found an empty table there was no food, angry heart. With hunger and could not pull myself, come out rude words.

"You offspring of fish!"

He did not realize, with the words, it means he has confided his wife.

Immediately the boy went crying to his mother and asked whether he was the offspring of fish.
Hearing this, the mother was surprised because her husband has violated their oath earlier.
After that the mother decided to return to nature. Then suddenly the sky turns dark and lightning and then rain descended, with the swift.
The father became upset and very sorry for his actions. However, rice has become porridge. He could never be reunited with his wife and son who loved it as well.

Foothold in the land of the former wife and his son, suddenly there springs gush. The water is getting bigger and bigger. Long into the lake. The lake is then we know today as Lake Toba.


Atomic Market Shopping Center located area of ​​North Surabaya Surabaya with a land area of ​​more than 6 acres. Location that is accessible from four directions, namely: Jl. Bunguran, Alert, Alert and Station Atomic City Market makes a shopping center strategically.
Atomic Market is a shopping center with a distinctive icon-icon draw where the visitors come not only to just window shopping but shopping buyer, where they come to shop. Level visits on average each day is 20,000 to 30,000 people per day for the weekday and more than 50,000 people per day for the weekend. The interesting thing in the shop at Pasar Atom is the art of haggling between the buyer and the seller when the transaction because the majority of the booths that are directly maintained by the owner himself. This is a plus-owned Atomic Market compared with other shopping centers in Surabaya.
General market AtomSecara Atomic Market consists of 8 floors building with a floor division up to the 4th floor to the shopping center and the floor 5 to 8 for parking facilities. In buildings, Atomic Market consists of 5 phases Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, Phase IV and Phase V are further developed by the Atomic Market Mall.
A large number of booths required to make markets as one of the most complete shopping center. This we can see from the type of business that is very complete and varied. Starting from the textiles, gold, food, snacks, snacks, P & D, adult clothing and children, prom dresses, shoes, underwear, sewing, bed covers and bed linen, accessories, toys and fancy, souvenirs, stationery, furniture, banking institutions, and so laindapat found in the Atomic Market Shopping Center. If described in more detail are as follows:

* Phase I met by the traders of textiles, footwear, P & D, children's clothing, stationery, tailor.
* Phase II is also dominated by the type of business that is similar to stage I, stage II still has its own characteristics in this stage where we can find the tailors who can repair clothes, shoes and handbags. Plus depots of food became "jujugan" typical foods of East Java.
* Phase III is dominated by the florists and all the knick-perniknya, bags, gold, jewelry, clothing, and at this stage there is a swimming pool on the 5th floor.
* Stage IV (commercial) are met by transport entrepreneurs, wholesale toy stores, banks and others.
* Phase V is mostly occupied by the boutique and accessories, souvenirs, as well as supermarkets with an area of ​​1000 meters.

Meanwhile, at every meeting of the building, between stage I and stage III or better known by stage I-III is filled with promotions and exhibition booths. The meeting between stage II and stage V, which is applied gold shop, a meeting between stages III-IV to the sellers of fried foods and cakes moist, as well as meetings between stages III-V for the sellers of snacks or snacks typical of East Java.
PT. Plano Prosam as manager of Atomic Market Shopping Center Surabaya has done a thorough renovation and rejuvenation. The addition of facilities escalator, elevator and air conditioning is intended for the convenience of visitors to loyal Atomic Market. Special floors 3 and 4, the booths have been re-grouped according to type of business (zoning system) so that the more easier for visitors to berbelanja.Desain new and attractive stand which further adds to the attraction of visitors Atomic Market.




Stretching Senggol markets included in the festival circuit Roadshow 2011 Surabaya market attracted visitors Wonokromo market on Saturday afternoon, (6.18). Looks into the crowd watching the market held by the Surabaya City Government in cooperation with PD Pasar Surya and several other agencies.

Various snack market, dawet, meatballs and specialties that exist in traditional markets are also free for visitors served Wonokromo market at that time. Events bumper market is second only Roadshow event Surabaya market festival was held one month ago.

Director Surya major market PD who came to accompany the Mayor says Suarabaya place, if the festival is targeting a return of the Surabaya market buyers to shop at traditional markets is making the atmosphere of traditional markets in Surabaya to be clean, neat and fresh.


Interrupted the event, Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini also expressed his desire to make the traditional market crowded bergeliat Surabaya again. "The buyer is king and the right to choose, if the mood of the market where they shop are not comfortable, then the buyer will choose to shop elsewhere, such as the modern market," he told the gathering Wonokromo market traders.

Further he explained, if it hopes market managers and traders work together realizing that the motto of the festival market 3 Surabaya, namely cleanliness, neatness and freshness.

manuscript and photographs: frannoto

Senin, 11 Juli 2011

The beauty of Island Beach Derawan East Kalimantan

A tropical paradise located in one region of the island province of East Kalimantan, Berau and precisely in the Strait of Sulawesi, not far from the border with Malaysia. Derawan Island into a marine tourism destination charming choice for you who love the beach with soft white sand and clear water glistening. Moreover, added bonus benign encounter turtles are swimming around happily while we do the dive.

Sometimes when sitting at the end of the wooden bridge that leads to the sea, we can see the green turtles and fro on the surface of the water is clear. Occasionally even the turtles that seem to roam around the cottage is located on the coast of the island. At nightfall, several turtles went ashore and lay eggs there.

Sea and moss color blend produces stunning shades of blue and green, as well as a small forest in the middle, make this island so beautiful natural scenery presents a pity to pass up. What remains, deep memories.

Dr. Carden Wallace of the Museum of Tropical Queensland, Australia has examined the wealth of marine Derawan Island and find more than 50 types of Arcropora (marine animals) in a coral reef. No one seems if Derawan island famous as a third of the world's top dive destination for international

This island is relatively less well known especially in the country because of its own struggle to achieve it takes a pretty winding. You must first go to Balikpapan from Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta or Denpasar, to get to this island. Approximately two hours travel time of flight from Jakarta to Balikpapan.

From Aberdeen, you still have to fly to Cape Redeb for one hour with a small plane that served by KAL Star, Deraya or DAS. In addition, Cape Redeb can also be reached by sea, by climbing or boat from Samarinda Tarakan to Tanjung Redeb followed by renting a motorboat to the island Derawan long trips less than 2 hours.

Many foreigners who just got off the plane at the airport Kalimarau, Cape Redeb Derawan went directly to the island by motorboat that has been moored at a specific port.

Alternatively it could be through land route from Balikpapan to Tanjung Batu and from there crossed over to the island Derawan. Only this is not a good choice because of travel crossing itself takes up to a dozen hours with a relatively unpleasant terrain.

Even so, you know, just a lot of foreign tourists who already knew more about the existence of this exotic island. A number of Japanese tourists through travel from Tokyo who was there "Slapshot" go to Singapore or to Sabah and then continue the trip to Aberdeen, then to Cape Redeb using small aircraft.

They utilize their time during the Derawan with diving, down the underwater beauty of the island which indeed is the best location for diving. Moreover, with the condition of the remote islands and "virgin" increasingly add to the charm anyone to enjoy it as long as possible.

It goes all the way, only within 50 meters from the beach, we can already see the beautiful coral reefs and colorful fish back and forth. The water is very clear. You can rent snorkels at Rp 30 thousand per day. If you want to dive deeper, we can find a fish that is more "exotic" such as grouper, red fish, fish kurisi, barracuda fish, sea cucumbers, and mussels. On a rock at a depth of ten meters, there is a reef known as "Trigger Blue Wall" because of the reef with a length of 18 meters there is a lot of trigger fish (red-toothed trigger fishes).

Derawan Island provides a place of lodging facilities (cottages), rental of diving equipment and also a restaurant. There is also a low-cost lodging-inn run by local people. The range of prices ranging from Rp 45 thousand to USD 100 thousand / night.

Still not satisfied?

You can also review the other islands around Derawan. For example: Sangalaki Island, Maratua, and Kakaban which has its own uniqueness. Pari Fish Blue (Manta Rays) that had reached 3.5 meters wide with a population on the island Sangalaki. Can also be found-even if lucky enough black-stingray with wide "wingspan" 6 meters. While Kakaban have the uniqueness of a prehistoric lake that is in the middle of the sea, the only one in Asia.
